the adventure goes deeper

A multi-dimensional adventure that has been planned for the past 2 years, starts today! Living with perpetual curiosity and an open mind as Trevor, my husband and I journey through 34 countries these next five months. Where we’ll end up, we have no idea!

We began by deciding we don’t actually want to be grown-ups anymore. Adulting to this point has not delivered what was promised, so, it’s time to return to childhood dreams. We both are adventurers at our core and comfortable in the unknown.

Flying in the face of adulthood, we give everything away keeping only clothing, technology, and our bank accounts to adventure around the globe. Are we mad? Maybe, but it’s no less mad than moving into a 5-bedroom home, with a 3-car garage, fully kitting it out and filling the storage spaces with stuff over time. It’s just different.

In celebration of different and unsubscribing to the ‘shoulds’ of life, we embraced the unconventional understanding that once a decision is made the universe conspires to help make it happen. It’s all about energy, something Trevor knows inside out as a physicist and one who has played with many of its principles. 

Since we’ll be traveling from here on in, there is no reason to keep and store our stuff. So, we bring in an estate agent and tell him to take it all. A few hours later we are down to 4 cases and departing from Newport Beach, California with two first-class plane tickets in hand. Full life freedom, here we come! 

Our childhood dreams of adventure call, we shall see where this journey takes us and who we meet along the way.  From gastronomy, travel, and culture to storytelling, portals, and wine -  this is a multi-sensory experience.

Let the adventure deepen… 


it’s never goodbye…


story - the language of the soul