story - the language of the soul

As I continue to travel abroad, a constant that continues to delight is story.

We each are multifaceted jewels - if we allow ourselves to be. If one is not lost in the sea of social media, or ‘me, myself and I’, one can truly be present for story. 

Through my adventures, stories of others have pulled forth wisdom, laughter, tears, exclamation, and silence in sheer awe by the facets of others. Stories are true social currency, there is no greater gift one can receive than sitting in full presence of another’s story.

A few small slices include:

 • A genteel man in a luxury suit shop who, when very young, escaped his war-torn country with younger siblings and no parents. Someone who has kept kindness and cultivated the art of conversation. Someone who has taken a difficult situation and created a unique life for himself. Thank you for your story. 

• A wonderfully unique southern drawl of a girl who is deeply gothic and deliciously wiccan. Her eyes present and bright as she served drinks at a beachside bar surrounded by turquoise waters. Her story is one of opposites as she learns where her true self lives. She is happy and grateful for all life has taught her. Thank you for your story. 

• A young server from Mumbai who confesses he is deeply depressed since he is trying to embrace his family roots, yet, feels it’s not for him. His soul seems restless as he searches for his center. Hearing he is not alone in those confusing feelings seems to alleviate the pressure as he continues on his journey.  Thank you for your story. 

• A man who was born into a life of very little and told he would amount to nothing more than a factory worker. Who went on to become a Royal Navel Officer. Who lost his mother, who fell deeply in love, and who always kept becoming when others said it was impossible. A man who felt misunderstood because of his unconventional ways, who lost his love and best friend from this earthly plain, yet found the courage to keep going. A man who continues to inspire me every day. Thank you for your story. 

If we take a breath, put down our flat rectangle, and really be present. We will discover treasures far beyond a fleeting meme, TikTok video, or how many likes are received on a post.


the adventure goes deeper


james - the bear who travelled through time (a christmas story)