joy - more than a feeling
Everyone, hopefully at least once, has experienced the heights of pure joy. The full dynamic embodiment of it. Jumping, hollering, dancing, wiggling, exclaiming, punching the air. Even the most conservative of humans will fully animate in a joyful outburst before quickly composing themselves. This vibrant emotion refuses to be contained!
There are also small joys. Ones that dance throughout the day from en-joy-ing a variety of moments.
If one were to stop and take stock as to how many times these small joys are felt, what would be the tally?
Pay close attention because small joys vanish when met with mindless habits, autopilot, multi-tasking, and just doing something because one ‘should.’ These are joy repellants.
The reason for concern?
Small, daily joy is the main ingredient for HUGE success. Let me explain with a personal epiphany.
For years I ate super clean, was manically career-driven, I detoxed, ran, went to 6 AM boot camps, saw a plethora of health practitioners, stayed on schedule, said ‘yes’ to pretty much everything, maintained a ‘presence’ on every social media platform, drank 8 glasses of water daily, went to bed at a decent hour. I did all the things!
This, I was informed by the world, was how I would get the best results.
Yet my desired outcomes always eluded me!
What the heck??
Then, after a massive life unraveling, I let it all go.
Fuck it!
I’m done, I don’t care. I’m doing the things I really enjoy and I’ll take as long as I want to enjoy them.
From food and exercise to sex, conversation, work, and travel - you name it. Joy was consistently at the forefront.
All of a sudden, desired results not only jumped into my lap, they also curled up and stayed there.
The 10 pounds I tried to lose for so long just fell off. All self-imposed food restrictions went to the wayside and I enjoyed all gastronomy without guilt. Paired with outstretched moments of time, wine, and delicious conversation - I was fully satiated.
My work day was cut down to 1/3 of my usual hours and I was getting just as much done.
All social media accounts went in the bin. They weren’t needed to get ahead and did little to nothing for my book sales. No more comparing myself to others with doom scrolling and thinking, ‘I’m not doing enough.’ This freed up heaps of time to be in the moment with all the magic I was missing while on this flat rectangle of a human pacifier.
The word ‘NO’ showed up more as I turned down events and hangouts I truly did not want to attend.
Strangers started inquiring about my workout routine. ’You look so fit! What are you doing??’
‘Honestly,’ I’d reply, ‘yoga I truly enjoy and deeply connected, delicious sex.’
Yes, there were giggles and also, it’s the truth!
That’s when it hit me. I’m REALLY enjoying all these things. My body is filled with daily joy doing what I truly love in a slow, delicious, intentional way.
If you don’t believe me, give it a go.
What’s the best that can happen?