trincomolee - spontaneous pockets of time

The full moon recedes giving way to the sun and the sky is smudged in a tug a war of color. Clouds sit in audience to the change. We have arrived in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. 

The air is perfumed with daily life. Incense and burning leaves are the loudest. Birds sing brightly over fluted music as we glide into port.

We are greeted by small colorful structures with corrugated tops and very relaxed dogs who are phased by nothing and in no rush whatsoever. 

We are in the same frame and in no rush as the masses pile off the ship in a flurry. Instead, we luxuriate in breakfast, which might have turned into lunch. 

I accept an invitation to adventure into town, Trevor is happy to stay aboard and watch a derby between red and blue. We will catch up and trade stories over dinner. 

Sun hat and rucksack at the ready I join my new friend for a Trincomolee experience. Once again, the signs and lines are followed like a suggestion and honks are frequent as dogs saunter and tiny vehicles try to overtake. We both look forward as we talk, keeping motion sickness at bay. 

The bus stops and we are the only two who disembark, the surroundings are a juxtaposition and many are not brave enough. Beautiful and ugly, nature-filled and rough, vibrant and noisy. The smells of warm pavement mix with the jungle, a fish market, and garbage. It’s a smack to the face, the olfactory is definitely working! 

 A crowd of smiles greets us with very eager offers to be driven in colorful tuk-tuks. Eventually, we say yes, as the senses are overwhelmed and a quiet beach sounds like a sanctuary. We climb aboard with full trust. The ride through tiny winding streets is exhilarating and 15 minutes later the promise is delivered. A secret at the end of an unmarked alley - this is paradise. 

Wine and beer procured, we strip down and run into the warm Indian Ocean. Fish play in small waves, wild dogs curl up like well-fed donuts on the warm sand, palm leaves breathe with the wind. 

In this moment, I feel like a kid again and the world is fresh. The afternoon unwinds me.

After a few hours, our ride back is waiting and we pile in. Relaxed, sun-kissed, and giggling, the layers of life fall away and are embraced. This is truly living! 

We part ways and I search the ship for Trevor to story share. I find him pacing post-match and we trade afternoons over an animated glass of wine. 

Today is Valentine’s and in our subversive nature we do the opposite of the masses. The full moon is calling, so we retreat to our private patio to watch the flying fish skim the surface of the ocean. They look like tiny shooting stars. 

This is magic! 


maldives - a great dichotomy


phuket - elephants we’ll never forget