kagoshima - living in the moment / a day of firsts

A towering active volcano greets us in Kagoshima’s harbor. We decide to stay on board and spend time with Mt. Sakurajima as she puffs away. Alternating grey ash and white steam clouds billow up at a steady and consistent pace. 

Being in such close presence to raw power that could rage at any moment brings a sense of awe. Gazing at her throughout the day as we enjoy the warm weather feels right. This vantage point is better than any from shore. 

Sakurajima even bore witness to my rummy win as I went out while Trevor had a full hand. I believe she puffed a small cloud-shaped star in my honor! 

This is a short visit, yet, one I am grateful for. To see a city thrive and live in the unknown of another eruption is a great reminder to live in the moment. 

Tonight we sail to open seas, I love the feeling and wider stance needed to walk around our ship. 


The art of relaxation deepens with a sea day and no reason to be anywhere. Rush hour traffic is completely absent above the waves. Below, I imagine schools of fish rushing around and sea turtle gridlock.

Today is a day of firsts for Trevor, starting with a massage. We begin in a deliciously relaxing space with a champagne centerpiece that beckons to all who enter. A bottle is plucked and the satisfying pop of the cork is followed by tiny escaping bubbles.

After a short visit to the sauna which we have turned co-ed, we are summoned for the main event. I am lost in a drool-inducing massage and awake from this experience a relaxed puddle. On one side of the room, Trevor is sitting straight up and swinging his feet fully rejuvenated. This man looks ready to run laps around the top deck. More sessions are booked as I believe Trevor is hooked on the art of self-care. Hurrah, another convert! 

Late afternoon is dedicated to spending time in the haze between wake and sleep. Rest is important as one must be at one’s best before a formal cocktail party. This is a night we both look forward to as tuxes and gowns once again parade throughout the decks heralding to times past.

Post cocktails, we share dinner and are invited to dance in the center while the pianist plays. Another first for Trevor and delivery on a promise he made to me a year ago. To get up and dance on the ship in front of all. Not only does he fulfill this promise, he does it with style! I am so proud of him!

We share a nightcap, then climb giggling, up to our deck. Walking in heels while on open seas after a drink or two is quite an experience! What a beautiful night! 

We sail towards our last destination in Japan, Okinawa.

What will we discover?


okinawa - where centenarians abound


beppu and the seven scorching hells