sea legs and formal nights
The one thing I love about sleeping at sea is how one is rocked like a baby. The ship cradled all to sleep after a very busy day and we slumber deeply while giants swim in the depths below.
Trevor is up early and grabs a crisp snap of Mt Fuji standing in full presence on the horizon. The sun is full and the sea a stunning deep blue. Trevor is a happy human, his eyes seem bluer than usual.
With hungry tummies, we seek out breakfast and it finds us with ease. After coffee is poured we notice Mt Fuji is at breakfast with us. We dine on eggs and Canadian bacon as guests of this snow-capped mountain.
We then proceed to way-find throughout the ship, from bow to stern on decks 4 to 11. The facilities and spaces to relax in are impressive. None are overcrowded and quiet sanctuaries can be found everywhere. Art from across the globe can be found on every wall and fresh orchids bow gracefully to guests who notice. Trevor is once again eager to get outside and spend time with his mistress - the sea.
I head out to write.
After settling in and ordering tea, a wave of nausea washes over me. My sea legs have not come in yet and I feel positively green. Promptly, I stand and let my host know to cancel my tea and I retreat to the cabin. Anti-nausea tablets are taken and I nap for almost 2 hours before returning to my normal color.
I believe my legs have arrived, Trevor on the other hand is born with sea legs!
A small snack and some rest have me back on my feet and eager for a good stretch. To my delight, Silver Dawn has a yoga space that provides stunning views of the horizon. Finding balance is a bit trickier than usual with a liquid foundation, something fun to play with over these next months! A mental hat-tip to the captain and his smooth sailing.
Checking the daily Silversea newspaper ( one with no bad news ) we find tonight is formal night, one of many, and we show up at our best. Trevor in a tux with a velvet jacket, myself in full-fitted sequins. Everyone looks stunning and the energy feels opulent. After dinner, we land at the S.A.L.T. bar, a very sexy corner where curated drinks are made and bubbles filled with smoke float over drinks.
A fantastic finish to a wonderful first day at sea!
Tomorrow we dock in Osaka to enjoy our first adventure on land.